Searching for Stockton CA jobs without having a degree of higher learning can be frustrating, especially if your goal is to earn a nice salary and secure a position with lots of benefits. Not many jobs for high school graduates will offer all of these things and it can be even more difficult to secure this type of position if you don't even have your high school diploma.

The following tips will help you in your search for Stockton CA jobs that fit your needs without demanding a degree. While some professions will require a degree and there is no way to get around it, you can still find many opportunities available if you give each of these steps some serious attention.

Step #1: Identify Your Skills

Skills aren't just learned through college courses. You naturally have some skills which are marketable for many Stockton CA jobs. Take out a piece of paper and make a quick list of all of your skills, both personal and professional. These skills can be used on resumes and in cover letters and interviews, even without having formal teaching in these skill areas. If you feel confident listing them as skills you possess, then write them down and be prepared to use them to help you along.

#2: Identify Your Knowledge Bases

What do you know a lot about? You probably know a lot about many different things just from exploring your own hobbies and doing things in your daily life. Write down anything and everything that you have a considerable amount of knowledge about. Those are all areas that could give you a great career in the future, especially if those knowledge bases correspond to big passions and interests that you have in your everyday life.

#3: Identify Real World Experience

Now, add to the list all the real world experiences that have taught you something valuable. If you have been raising a younger sibling since you were young then you are probably responsible, reliable, and trustworthy. If you have been home with your children for the past six years you may have excellent cooking skills, great reasoning skills, and top notch driving instincts.

Every experience that you have had in life offers some variety of skill or knowledge that could help you meet qualifications for specific jobs in Stockton CA. Just because they were learned in the classroom of life doesn't disqualify them or make them illegitimate.

#4: Look Forward when Considering Jobs

Finally, when you look into specific Stockton CA jobs look into the future rather than the past. This means considering the possibilities of moving up in the ranks and getting advances in the company without having a college degree.

Your goal is to ultimately find Stockton CA jobs where you have a good chance to move up to higher positions, earn higher salaries, and gain additional benefits, without having to go back to school for a degree. These jobs will have the best potential when it comes to eventually securing a great career with a nice salary and all the benefits you desire.

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    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    June 2010



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